Telephone 01507 533276
Coarse Fishing and Holiday Accomodation

Tetford Country Cottages
Manor Farm East Road
Tetford Horncastle
Lincolnshire LN9 6QQ

Holiday accommodation Lincolnshire Fishing

Tetford Country Cottages
Manor Farm, East Road, Tetford, Horncastle, Lincs, LN9 6QQ
Tel/Fax 01507 533276
Terms and Conditions of Hire (subject to change without notice)
1. Our price includes bed linen but DOES NOT INCLUDE ELECTRIC (used for heating, lighting and water heating). Towels are not included
2. Free fishing is available to residents on all days where an overnight stay is booked. Day fishing on departure days is subject to availability and must be agreed with management; day fishing rates may also apply. We reserve the right to close the lake or sections of it or to impose other restrictions for fishing at any time. Anyone deliberately going against fishery rules will result in immediate termination of hire without refund
3. A non-refundable deposit of £100.00 per cottage is payable on booking and the balance is due 4 weeks prior to arrival.
4. Should you need to cancel your booking, please inform us in writing as soon as possible, as failure to cancel will leave you liable for the full cost of the booking. You may wish to consider making provision for your own holiday insurance to cover you in the event of unforeseen circumstances leading to a cancellation.
5. Only the maximum specified number of people may occupy a cottage.
6. No all-under-21’s unless with prior consent.
7. It is illegal to smoke in enclosed public areas and work areas and these include the fishery toilets, laundry/washroom and tackle store.
8. All accommodation is strictly NO SMOKING. Customers found smoking in cottages will result in immediate termination of hire without refund.
9. Any illegal activity or any behaviour likely to or which causes upset to staff or other guests will not be tolerated and will result in immediate termination of hire without refund.
10. The property is the responsibility of the hirer for the duration of the stay and reasonable care of all furniture, equipment and utensils is expected. We reserve the right to charge for the full cost of repair or replacement of damaged property or removed items even if accidental. Items of furniture including beds, wardrobes, chests of drawers should not be moved unless permission is granted by management. Please report all damage or faults.
11. The property and all its contents are to be left in a clean and tidy manner with all furniture and equipment in the same location as at the start of the hire period. Hirers are expected to empty the property of all unused food and drink, personal possessions and all rubbish. If this condition is not adhered to a service and cleaning charge may apply. Please report any breakages, spillages, and problems however minor.
12. Guest wishing to dispose of personal property or packaging larger than will fit completely into a standard domestic dustbin (with the lid in place) are responsible for the removal of the items from site. Such items must not be disposed of in the site bins without permission from management. A removal/disposal charge may apply.
13. A cash security deposit of £500 may be required on arrival or at any time during the hire period against damage and inappropriate use of hired property and equipment.
14. The use of amenities is entirely at the user’s risk. Site safety information and notices must be adhered to. No responsibility is accepted at any time for loss or damage to visitor’s belongings, equipment and vehicles.
15. Pets, including dogs, are welcome by arrangement in our cottages and are charged at an additional rate. They must be kept under strict control at all times and on a lead. Pets must not be left unattended in the property in the absence of the occupier.
Owners are required to supply their pets with bedding. Pets must not be allowed on any cottage furniture. In the event that we are required to remove pet hair or dirt from furniture this may result in an additional cleaning charge. You are responsible for your pet’s faeces and must dispose of this immediately in the bins provided.
16. Management reserve the right to enter the property at any time for maintenance, inspection or in an emergency.
17. Families with children are advised that the site contains fishing lakes and ponds with deep water, which is not fenced. Children must be supervised at all times by an adult; play including running and cycling in the vicinity of the water is not allowed.
18. Residents may receive visitors by prior arrangement. No visitors to arrive after dusk and must leave site by 10pm.Free fishing is not available to visitors and subject to availability will incur a day fishing charge.
19. No live bait whatsoever is to be taken or stored inside the cottages. Any live bait including maggots, casters and worms found stored inside the cottages will result in immediate termination of hire without refund.
20. An Environment Agency rod licence is required by law for all anglers aged 12 or over and entitles the licensee to use up to 2 or 3 rods and line to fish. It is illegal to leave fishing rods unattended.
21. Our fishery rules apply and must be adhered to. We reserve the right to change rules as required and without notice. Current rules are as displayed on site. Customers found blatantly breaking the licensing and unattended rods laws or our fishery rules will be required to stop fishing immediately and may be asked to refrain from fishing again.